The study program: Directing has full-time courses of 3 years, 180 credits, was founded in the University of Iasi in 2008, as a natural complementation to the performance arts spectrum of the Theatre Department of “George Enescu” University of Arts. The general objective of the Directing direction of study is to train specialists in the field of theatre performance directing.

The qualifications that can be obtained upon graduation of DIRECTING study program, according to COR, are Art director – 265410; Stage manager – 265439; Prompter -265416


The competition’s trials for admission

Stage I, eliminatory – Test 1) – practical test (Testing the sense of observation, the visual memory, the creative fantasy, and the ability to suggest a dramatic action. Reciting a poem at the candidate’s choice); Test 2) Test of skills and knowledge of theatre culture; Analysis of a fragment of the dramatic texts of the contest repertoire.

Stage II – practical test – the transposition on the stage of a fragment of a play included in the contest repertoire (at the Commission’s choice), respecting several conditions