The Religious Music specialization was introduced in lași in 1992 functioning, with some interruptions, until nowadays.
Students following this specialization are trained to know the Orthodox musical culture with its specific repertoires so that, after graduation, they can become Byzantine music teachers within theological profile secondary education establishments and church choir conductors. In addition to the specialized disciplines, students are given the opportunity of a general musical training so that, after graduation, they can perform as conductors and chorists. The graduates may fathom their specialization with the Master’s Degrees Study Program, within the Religious Music module.

The University chapel dedicated to the Holy Great Martyrs Gheorghe and Demetrius – consecrated in 2003 by the Archbishop Father Daniel Metropolitan of Moldova and Bucovina, now Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church – constitutes a special environment for specific educational activities.


Compulsory Fundamental Subjects
Theory, Solfeggio, Dictate
Music history
Musical forms and analyses
Music aesthetics
Music management

Compulsory Field Subjects
Ear training
Choir conducting
Byzantine music history
Artistic practice
Choral ensemble

Compulsory Speciality Subjects
Byzantine music theory
Byzantine music performance
Byzantine paleography
Liturgical hymnography
Liturgical music performance

Compulsory Complementary Subjects
Complementary piano
Foreign language (English)
Foreign language (Greek)
Physical education

Optional Subjects
Package A
One subject out of three
History of Christianity
Byzantine musicology
Ethics and academic integrity
Package B
Classical vocal performance

Non-Compulsory Subjects
Traditional music ensemble
Traditional music recordings and transcriptions
Classical vocal performance