This edition of the Textile Art International Triennial TexpoART has the main theme the NEW REALITIES, as a new attitude towards the current situation, regardless of its meaning.
Transposed into textile art, creative adaptation efforts involve unconventional approaches or exceeding the limits of traditionalism, either as a technique or as a system of compositional organization, capturing the dynamics and transformations of the contemporary world in the artistic adventure of creation.
We do not know where today's society or art is going on, but the hope remains in positive metamorphoses and spectacular evolution, specific to the human spirit, overcoming the obstacles inherent in any progress.
TexpoART is open to professionals and master students in the field of Textile Arts with art works of medium size, made in the last 3 years.
Any textile techniques and any materials, traditional or unconventional, with witch the artists can configure their own interpretation of the idea of NEW REALITIES in a contemporary formula are accepted.
Before you apply read Regulation and the calendar for 2023 edition.